Stamatis Vasileios (Phd Candidate)

Thesis title: Applied Intelligence for Federated Patent Search
Supervisor: Salampasis Michalis
Advisory Committee Members:
Konstantinos Diamantaras, Professor IHU
Allan Hanbury, Professor TU Wien

The purpose of this PhD is to contribute in the Federated Patent Search field. The research will start with the results merging sub-processes during distributed patent search in which methods for improving the effectiveness and the efficiency will be evaluated. Existing methods will be optimized and new methods will be discovered like machine learning algorithms for optimizing the results. Furthermore intelligent methods will be implemented in the source selection sub process during distributed patent search. Additionally query expansion is another problem which will be examined and new methods will be created using IPC codes for improving the efficiency of the retrieval. Eventually, the new methods will be embedded in a new system for federated patent search and the system will be tested with real users using user studies.